Hindu Nazis following Spanish experiment: How to exterminate Muslims?

This piece was originally published as an editorial in Dalit Voice in May 1985. We are republishing it as a tribute to the author’s legacy and in honor of his unwavering voice in championing the social justice movement in India. Muslims ruled over Spain from 712 AD to 1492 AD for 780 years, yet today […]
Symbolic Loss or Deeper Implications? Salman Sayyid on the 100th Anniversary of the Fall of the Caliphate

“The hundred years since its abolition do provide us with an opportunity to reflect on the consequences of the caliphate, not only as a historical entity but also as a political theory and philosophical category, as it marked the beginning of a new type of political thinking within the Muslim ummah.” Interview with Salman Sayyid
The Four Calamities of the Ummah: Exploring Possibilities

The Ummah, the Muslim community worldwide, has faced a century of decline marked by four major catastrophes. These events have shaped the current political and security-related situation of the Ummah. The first catastrophe was the Crusader military occupation of Bayt al-Maqdes, preceded by the occupation of Egypt, Iraq, and parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
Mob Attacks Muslims’ Homes and Mosques in Bihar

An enraged mob attacked several Muslim houses as well as mosques at the Parihar police station in the Sitamarhi district of Bihar.
Assam Drive against the Child Marriage Heats the State

Sulthan Hussain ,National Secretary of SIO says ,“The child marriage(prohibition) act exists in our country back from a long time. But putting people behind bars in a rowdyish style, destroying thousands of happy families, is against the spirit of the law”
According to the media, more than 2,700 people have been arrested and sent to jail on the charge that they have been involved in the crime of child marriage.